Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Even if how many times I would think of us,
those days that we’re together
and even the day we’ve broken each other.
There’s nothing I can do.

Even if I can still remember the memories we’ve shared together,
those smiles and laughters.
Even those nights we spent like forever.
There’s nothing I can do.

I can still hear you on my head singing my favourite song.
I can still feel your touch running through my skin.

On this rainy night, I write this poem for the
remembrance of us because on this rainy night,
all I can think of is you. 
You who might not even be thinking of me.

The day you held me again by that cold hand
that once was warm. I froze in sudden moment
because every single thing flashbacked
that it all seemed to happen just like the other day.

The grip of our hands that says to not let go and hold us again.
The look in our eyes that seems to say “stay, I miss you.”
Were all hindered by a sewed mouth.

Yes, I do. I do miss you but there’s nothing I can do.
So much has changed in us so also especially in you.

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