Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The December 2, '16 Story

I put on my clothes and went outside.
The cold wind touched my face,
the cold breeze embraced my skin.

"This is your day indeed."
Words that uttered out of my mouth.

Well, this must be indeed your day.
I've given up, it's all your now.

Yes, I give up. Take everything, take it all.
But leave me here.
I don't think you'll need me ever again.
No, I don't think, I know you won't ever need me again.

Acting to forget your birthday shouldn't be my response
when you've forgot mine and never greeted me.

It turned out to be not-so-good birthday day after all.

Forgetting to greet me on my birthday is much fine
than forgetting me completely.
But as I've said, there's nothing I can do.

Indeed, there is none a thing, none a move
could I ever get back everything.

Well then, it must be better forgetting you also.
It is better that you never get back.
It is better this way.

Now go, live your day as you wanted.
After all, it's all yours.